Friday, November 12, 2010

*I wEar tHe mAsk*

I wear the mask that smiles and lies
It hides our cheeks and shades our eyes,
With pain and torture,I smile my way out.

I wear the mask that smiles and lies
Letting no one see through my eyes,
The dark past of a broken heart
Shame and disappointment in my mind.

I wear the mask that smiles and lies .
Shows the good side of me
And hides what I'm feeling inside
Trapped in  my choices,like a bird in  cage that can't be changed.

Who am I really under the mask?
A friend,student,sister,daughter,and cousin.
People don't know me
They know the mask.

Friday, October 29, 2010

If yOu cOme bAck :)

Elo, if you come back
I bet you'll be wearing your favorite brown coat,skinny jeans,and boots.
Walking slowly across the living room
Leaving the strong smell of your perfume behind.

Elo, if you come back
I bet you'll be in the plaza
Laughin and dancing with your friends and cousins.

Do you remember when your mom yelled at you?
When you came home late.
Drank too much,
When you were too lazy to help do the chores,
and wanted to do whatever you wanted?

Elo, if you come back
We'll go to your house
Sit on the couch and watch a movie
While eatin popcorn with chile and limon like we used to.
Do you remember that?

Elo, if you come back
I bet you'll go on myspace
Check your mail and look at your friends.

Elo, do you remember the posadas?
Going to church
Then drinking canela with bread
Laughing and having a great time with the family.

Elo, you made mistakes
I don't judge you for that because we all make mistakes
I remember when you got mad because you wanted everything your way
You yelled at us and went to your room
and didn't say anything until the next day.
We have bad memories, good and bad.
We keep the good ones and let the bad ones go.

Do you remember when I stared at you?
Looked at how you put on makeup
Choose what to wear
And then asked "How did you do your hair?"

Elo, if you come back
One more time
I'll give you a hug
Tell you how much I've missed you and love you!

Elo, we all miss you
Do you miss us?
I guess not as much as we miss you because you never come back for us.

Tia Elo come back!

Thursday, October 14, 2010

aLl bOut mE!

Hello this be claudiaa.I was born on April 26,1997;My favoritee colors are black,white, and purple;when I'm at home im ether listening to music,using the computerr,or txt my friends or cousins;I likee hanging out with my friends(going to the mall or movies);I love my friends that are there for me when I need them and help me feel better when I'm down;family first like always;and I guess dats all I gotta say for now;soo byee:)